Work 1:1 with me for 3-6 months! We will work together to shift your relatoinship to yourself in dating + relationships.

1:1 Private Coaching

Are you ready to find + keep great love?

You're in the right place.

Tired of feeling triggered and stuck in the same cycles in dating and relationships? Do you desire a healthy partnership but there are pieces holding you back?

I'm so happy you're here.

Whether you want to shift the relationship to yourself, in your dating life or in your relationship, I'm here to help you make a change you can truly feel.


Ready to get unstuck?

LET's work together

You struggle with codependency and want to "fix" your partner

I will support you in a 1:1 mentorship to help you overcome your blocks and step back into love. 

Coaching is perfect for you if...

You have a hard time trusting yourself and your intuition

You CRAVE partnership but have blocks holding you back

You want to learn relationship skills such as boundaries or communication

You have repeated patterns like dating unavailable or toxic partners

You abandon yourself and people please in your relationships

Your attachment style prevents you from secure relationships

You are struggling with dating burnout and being single 

You have relationship anxiety and nitpick and overthink often

You struggle with self-worth and believing in yourself 

I know what it feels like to be stuck.

Feeling stuck in dating and relationships? Trust me, I get it. After 3 relationships with unavailable and unhealthy partners, I was burnt out and exhausted. I felt like "it just didn't work out for me." Deep down, I knew that wasn't true.  I deeply craved a healthy, loving partnership but I also knew my self worth, anxious attachment style and beliefs were holding me back. So I dug within and started going to therapy, along with doing somatic work and a lot of introspective work.

And over time, I was able to completely shift the way I showed up in dating and relationships. I was confident. I didn't accept bare minimum treatment. I communicated clearly and I upheld boundaries. I sought after good, healthy love — and I actually felt like I deserved it. 

If you are stuck and tired of confusing or toxic relationships, or if you are single and CRAVING a partner and don't know what to start, I'd love to support you. 

We will do the somatic healing work and mindset work to uplift you and CELEBRATE you along this journey to finding and holding healthy love.

Hi, I'm Madison. 


A blueprint of your SPECIFIC needs + desires in your life and relationships 

Having a dating strategy that WORKS — online and in person

Connecting with your inner child and teenager and healing past parts of you that are driving the bus

Stepping into your self-worth and connecting to your intuition so you no longer question what and who is for you 

Shifting limiting beliefs and patterns holding you back

Healthy relationship skills to help you HOLD a relationship

Regulating your nervous system and releasing stored emotion

Feeling confident and at peace 

Here's what we may work on together in our 1:1 container:

Feeling confident and at peace 


Good in your body


All the self-love


Confident in your relationships


Excited about love again

It's time to feel...

Apply here or email me with any questions you have. I'm also available through my Instagram DM's @wellnessmads.

What are next steps?

Book a singular session here! Also when you apply, you can customize. If you have questions, you can DM me on Instagram @wellnessmads or email me and we can figure something out together.

what if  i want less than 3 months of coaching?

Coaching is more unregulated than therapy — coaching doesn't require the education therapists do. Yet, coaches often have certifications. Therapy typically is more past-focused vs future. This is NOT therapy or a substitute for therapy. 

What is the difference between
coaching and therapy?

If you don't have an open mind to change or aren't willing to put in the work, coaching may not be a good fit for you at this time. 

who is coaching not good for?

Anyone who is looking to make real change and is willing to put in the time and effort it requires. I'm here to support and guide you but coaching requires your commitment. 

who is coaching good for?

I offer a curious, compassionate and friendly environment. My coaching focuses on the past and the future - I want you to feel differently in your life and also strategize + take action steps for new experiences. 

what is your coaching style?


Want to work with me?

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Transform your love life?

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